Friday, January 28, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus…

In my last column I brought you some information about a very disturbing situation- the proposed anti-Israel bus signs in Seattle. From the feedback I received it was clear that my readers took the news very seriously. We all saw through the very transparent veil hiding the anti-Israel (and, I dare say, anti-American) sentiment. At that time I opened with a journalistic understatement “Israel has enemies everywhere.” Now I am happy to be able to say “Israel has friends, well, maybe not everywhere, but in a lot of places!”

When the story began to get national attention many people, Jews and Christians, saw the dangers. The flood of e-mails and calls has forced the city to re-think its policies and put a hold on the signs. Let me share some details of what transpired. Most interestingly, the David Horowitz Freedom Center began a counter campaign and soon contracted with Seattle to put signs on buses that would read “Palestinian War Crimes- your tax dollars at work.” This clearly demonstrated that the place for politics is not on city buses. As a result Seattle City Council put a temporary ban on all non-commercial advertising. The Horowitz Center showed the issuing dodging council that their bus line was no place for the lies and distortions of the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, which seems to have links to the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement. Could anyone honestly believe these signs would not foster violence- just an excuse for the crazies to come out of the woodwork. Have people forgotten that it was only four years ago that a terrorist shot six people in the Seattle Jewish Federation building?

At the same time that the merits of the sign campaign were being debated two Christian groups, Christians United for Israel and StandWithUs, began their own efforts against the hateful signs. Happily the sheer force of numbers made the city council rethink it’s policies. So, for now, the anti-Israel signs will not be appearing. Please don’t lose sight that, as in all political double-talk- Seattle City Council is now “reviewing” their policies.

Once all the dust has settled, what we have learned? That people are always ready to accuse Israel? No. We knew that already. Will we learn that we always have to look at what our enemies serve up to the public under the guise of “free speech” and “information? No. We should know that by now. Maybe we won’t learn but, rather, re-learn—evil wins if no one stands up for the good. Lies become the truth if no one says otherwise. In this case the truth prevailed (at least for now.) But without all of those who acted the outcome would have been different. If it becomes your turn to act, to speak, to stand for what you believe, don’t hesitate.

The wheels on the bus go round and round- this time they didn’t run over us- but watch out for on-coming traffic!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It is no secret that Israel has enemies everywhere. Some choose guns and bombs as weapons. Some would prefer to use the power of public opinion, using half-truths and one-sided stories to report on Israel’s struggle to exist. Then of course there is the mass-media that never tires of distorting the stories of Israel’s self-defense effort. Of all places, Seattle has become the latest ground-zero for attacking Israel. (Maybe they figure that if they do it there no one will notice!)

All of us who live in urban areas are used to seeing city buses with all kinds of advertising and pictures on them—these “rolling billboards” are really a “no-brainer” to generate revenue. That’s fine- why not use advertising dollars to help public transportation. New signs on Seattle buses are a very different story.

Imagine driving down the street and seeing a sign on a bus that read “Israeli War Crimes- Your Tax Dollars at Work.” Together with the headline the sign displays the obligatory picture of children and destroyed buildings. The group sponsoring these ads is called “Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign.” Their spokesman, Ed Mast, had the nerve to comment “I wouldn’t say it’s an anti-Israel message… we would like Israel to stop violating human rights.” I think I disagree. To portray Israel’s acts of self-defense as “war crimes” can hardly be considered a neutral statement about human rights. (If you would like to see the original report and pictures of the bus signs go to my blog, “” Click on the link “War Crimes Bus Story.”)

As for King County Metro (these are public buses)- they say that the signs do not violate their guidelines. These signs contain no reference to “pornography, alcohol, tobacco, or threaten public safety.” So, as far as King County is concerned, the signs are fine!

I would love to see the list of people who provided the money for these signs. I am sure it would be very interesting reading. I far as I can anticipate there would only be two groups on that list- the first are those who hate Israel, the second would be those who are so blind to the realities of what Israelis face every day that they really believe bogus stories like this. This would be the group that has been convinced that Palestinians have human rights but Israelis don’t.

I think it is particularly insidious that these signs not only present a false picture of the terrorism coming out of Gaza and Israel’s attempt to stop it, but they also insinuate that all Americans share the guilt because it is the American taxpayer that makes these “war crimes” possible. This argument is absurd and of course fails to remind the American taxpayer that the people of Israel can always be counted on as the true friends of America. No, Israel is not guilty of war crimes. Israel is only guilty of self-defense. Any other argument is but a play for public opinion and an attempt to hide the real issues.

If you have to go to Seattle soon don’t ride the bus- call me and I’ll give you the cab fare!