Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reprinted from The Jewish Journal, 11/24,2010

Readers of the Jewish Journal are very lucky. They are served by a Jewish newspaper that contains all the important Jewish news of South Florida. We should be proud of our paper and the staff that continues to keep the Jewish community informed about news, events, and accomplishments in our small part of the Jewish world. A few months ago the paper also launched its official website, “” The website insures that you can read current news anytime you wish. The website also offers several features that are not included in print. Among these features is my “Ask the Rabbi” column. While this feature is usually only offered on line, I wanted to share a recent entry with you because I feel it is important for us, as supporters of Israel, to read. It is the kind of question that you might get in your workplace or from friends. I hope my answer will help you think about the issues involved. The following exchange appears on the homepage of The Jewish Journal and appears by clicking the “Ask the Rabbi” column.

Dear Rabbi Thompson,
I am a Christian Catholic living in Canada. I need to have better understanding of how Israel is conducting its disputes with the Palestinians. This past few years has caused my opinions of Israel to become negative. It seems we only get news of the negative Israel is doing. I understand the need of Israel to protect itself and how in the past the Palestinians were not recognizing Israel's right to exist, and, really why should I care. But I do. I really pray for peace in the Mideast and I also need to change my opinion on how I feel Israel has gone about protecting itself.
My problem is that I had a prejudice regarding the Jewish people because of what was happening and I want to change my attitude. What can you suggest I do in order to become a more forgiving person?

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dear John,

First let me say that I don’t think you need to be a more forgiving person- you only need to be a better informed person. Needing forgiveness implies that you have done something wrong. In my opinion you have not- you realize that your opinion of Israel has been shaped by a media that is overwhelmingly anti-Israel. One has only to look at the ridiculous resolutions coming from the UN to see the double standard that is applied to Israel. I take great pride in knowing that Israel is one of the most compassionate nations in the world. After the earthquake in Haiti Israel was first on the scene with field hospitals. Israel sends doctors around the globe and, yes, Israel gives Palestinian patients the best medical care available.

I am glad that you pray for peace in the Middle East. I hope you will do some reading. History will reveal to you that Israel has been fighting for its very existence since the moment of its birth. Terrorists continue to send missiles into civilian areas almost daily. Israel must live with the constant threat of war and terror attacks. While the Palestinian Authority continues to air its demand for peace it does nothing to curb violence. For those of us living in North America it is impossible to understand that fully.

The media often says that Israel is heavy handed in its reactions to the Palestinian threats. The papers and news shows love nothing more than to show armed Israeli soldiers staring down “poor Palestinian children who are “only” throwing rocks.” Ask yourself this as a Christian and as a human being- which culture is it that teaches their children to carry bombs and blow themselves up to kill others? The answer to that question should tell you something about the enemy that Israel faces each day.

Has Israel ever made mistakes? Of course they have. But do these mistakes justify an endless war of terror? John, I don’t want you to forgive Israel, I want you to understand her.

Thank you for your prayers I would be glad to join you in prayer any day!

Rabbi Thompson

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