Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Was So Wrong

Last week I wrote a piece asking you to watch political events in Europe. I warned that the EU’s support of Palestinian statehood was a threat to the safety and existence of Israel. Well, I was so wrong—forget Europe. The most dangerous threat to Israel is in this country and he lives in the White House. Today, as I write, the news just broke- President Obama has called for Israel to return to the 1967 borders for the sake of “making peace in the mid-east.” If there was ever any doubt in your mind I hope you now have heard the message loud and clear—Barak Obama is no friend to Israel or the Jewish people of America.

Many Jewish voters have held on to the illusion of the Obama smoke-and-mirrors doubletalk. I can only hope that our community now admits the truth. America has no coherent foreign policy and certainly no logical policy regarding peace between Israel and the Arab world. Once again, Obama has sold out the safety of the Jewish State for the sake of his false beliefs that he can become the “savior” of the Arab world.

If we try to follow the twisted logic of the current administration this call for Israel’s retreat is in answer to the “Arab spring,” the false belief that the unrest in the Arab world will result in the establishment of moderate democracies. The problem is that there is no evidence to assure us that this will happen. The opposite is true- the rumblings from the Moslem Brotherhood shows that even the peace accord with Egypt may be discarded by a new Egyptian government. Syria is in crisis, Lebanon is increasingly under the thumb of Iran, and the nuclear threat to Israel remains. How can any of these developments be a basis for Israel to make itself more vulnerable than ever? It seems our president has much more faith in the future of the Arab world than most of us do. Well, maybe not faith, just wishful thinking.

Look at a map made before 1967. Try to remember what Israel looked like then. Now, imagine trying to protect that much-reduced little piece of land. Can it be any surprise that Israel has already rejected the Obama dictate? Why is our president so arrogant? How could he have the nerve to make such an outrageous statement the day before he was to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu? If I were the Prime Minister I would take great pleasure in not showing up for that meeting. Yes, if I sound bitter I am. If you voted for Obama I can only hope you come to your senses soon. In the meantime, enjoy the view from under the bus!

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