Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Of Readers and Responsibility

A recent editorial in The Atlanta Jewish Times caused a storm of public reaction. The paper’s owner and chief-editor, Andrew Adler, wrote a piece concerning the possible policies that Israel could pursue against a nuclear-armed Iran. Among the possible reactions that Adler posited was the idea that Israel should assassinate President Obama. Adler has since resigned and is looking to sell the paper. Adler’s remarks caused a crisis in Atlanta- the Federation and other community agencies distanced themselves from the paper, a stand that they said that they would maintain until his resignation. Beyond this, the entire American Jewish community was embarrassed by these comments and now has to do damage control. As a journalist Adler embarrassed himself and the entire community. While he said that his comments were meant “to get reaction” from his readers, his comments about assassinating the president were irresponsible and, in a word, stupid. A journalist cannot write something like that and think that he is just eliciting reaction. As a journalist and as a Jew I am embarrassed by this episode. Reflecting on Adler’s poor judgment and irresponsible words made me reflect on my own role as a writer and community leader.

As a writer for this paper I feel a double sense of responsibility. As the rabbi of the Sunrise Jewish Center I am always mindful that my comments reflect on my congregation. Whether I am speaking from the pulpit or writing in this paper, I know that my words will be taken as more than just the opinion of one person. As a writer for this paper I am always mindful of the responsibility that I have to the readership and to the community. The Jewish Journal produces 160,000 copies every week. We have readers throughout all of South Florida. That means that the opinions and stories that appear here reach a large community. All of us who are involved with the paper must always realize the impact that our words and ideas can have. As a writer I don’t feel that I have to write something that everyone likes or agrees with but I do have to write an accurate and responsible accounting of my ideas. In the age of internet communication the truth is that anyone can write anything and put it out there for the world. On the internet true and false become relative. It seems like the crazier the idea the more attention it gets! I don’t know what you call that but it is not responsible journalism. The other side of that coin is a community based paper like the Jewish Journal or any other community based Jewish paper. Far from being anonymous like the internet, a community paper represents a specific readership. That is why every journalist needs to be very careful with every story.

It seems obvious that Mr. Adler forgot about his readership and decided to concentrate on the “shock value” of his message. Perhaps he was thinking that an outrageous statement can be good if it sparks a healthy public debate. Whatever the intention was it certainly backfired. A good column should spark debate and the exchange of ideas without a “hook” that creates a crisis. I am always very gratified when someone comes up to me and engages me about something that I wrote. That means they read it! That means they thought about it! A journalist should never, however, be tempted to write something just for a reaction- as we see that can lead to a very bad outcome. I take very seriously the trust that all of my readers put in me by reading my columns and I know that the entire staff at the Journal does as well.

All communication is based on trust- you wouldn’t talk to someone if you felt you could not believe him. You would not read an article that you knew contained less than the truth. That is why I must emphasis the responsibility of speaking (or writing) in the public forum. Mr. Adler’s article was a tragic mistake that touched many lives and hurt a community. The Atlanta Jewish Times will, I am sure, bounce back under new leadership. The damage done is another story. Words, once written or said, remain no matter how many times you apologize. It is the task of anyone who would speak on behalf of the community to always remember the trust the community puts in him or her.

This op-ed appeared in The South Florida Jewish Journal, February 1, 2012

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