New Battle, Old Enemy
There is an adage to the effect that those who don’t study
history are condemned to re-live it. I always found a great deal of truth in
that observation. As a Jew I live with a long history that warns me every day
about the mistakes of the past. All too often, however, all of us choose to
turn a blind eye to the past believing that this time, as we try something
that’s already been tried, we can produce a different outcome. Then we are
“shocked” when the result of our efforts result in the same failures that
previous generations suffered. Jewish history is to be studied, nonetheless,
not only for the warnings it reveals but also for the inspiration it provides.
What people has come through the darkest of times only to be
reborn? What nation has stood longer on the stage of history and proved
victorious? As we celebrate Hanukkah that lesson is the subtext of our
celebration. Against all odds, against all expectations, we stood against a far
greater foe to fight for our religious freedom and our national existence. The
narrative of Hanukkah is filled with irony—we have studied history well but we
are still condemned to re-live it. As we celebrate Hanukkah 5776 we are again
at war over the Temple in Jerusalem. While terror attacked continue to threaten
the physical well being of Israel, there is another war being waged- the war to
rob the Jewish people of our history.
In accord with the “big lie” theory Muhammad Ahmad Hussein,
the grand mufti of Jerusalem, did some creative re-writing of history. Hussein
claimed that there had never been a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. He
claimed that our holiest site had “always” been a mosque “since the world was
created.” This is part of the new war on Israel- the war against Jewish history
that seeks to deny our connection to the Land of Israel. It a larger context it
seems to be a part of the new world history- destroy and deny all of
pre-Islamic human history.
As we light the Hanukiyah we thank God for the miracles of
the past. That we are even here to tell the story of Hanukkah is nothing less
than a miracle, but we also light the candles to shed the light of truth into a
world that can grow dark when lies become truth. In ancient times Antiochus
sought to destroy Judaism by denying Jews the freedom to practice their
religion. Today our enemies try to physically destroy us- to make Israelis live
in constant fear. They also seek to destroy our souls by telling the world that
our sacred history is a lie. Only those who already hate will believe such lies,
but those who know the truth, those who have a stake in the Jewish past and the
Jewish future are today’s Maccabees. Israeli’s are forced to fight for their
lives but all of us must fight for truth.
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