Thursday, December 3, 2015

New Battle, Old Enemy

There is an adage to the effect that those who don’t study history are condemned to re-live it. I always found a great deal of truth in that observation. As a Jew I live with a long history that warns me every day about the mistakes of the past. All too often, however, all of us choose to turn a blind eye to the past believing that this time, as we try something that’s already been tried, we can produce a different outcome. Then we are “shocked” when the result of our efforts result in the same failures that previous generations suffered. Jewish history is to be studied, nonetheless, not only for the warnings it reveals but also for the inspiration it provides.
What people has come through the darkest of times only to be reborn? What nation has stood longer on the stage of history and proved victorious? As we celebrate Hanukkah that lesson is the subtext of our celebration. Against all odds, against all expectations, we stood against a far greater foe to fight for our religious freedom and our national existence. The narrative of Hanukkah is filled with irony—we have studied history well but we are still condemned to re-live it. As we celebrate Hanukkah 5776 we are again at war over the Temple in Jerusalem. While terror attacked continue to threaten the physical well being of Israel, there is another war being waged- the war to rob the Jewish people of our history.
In accord with the “big lie” theory Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, did some creative re-writing of history. Hussein claimed that there had never been a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. He claimed that our holiest site had “always” been a mosque “since the world was created.” This is part of the new war on Israel- the war against Jewish history that seeks to deny our connection to the Land of Israel. It a larger context it seems to be a part of the new world history- destroy and deny all of pre-Islamic human history.

As we light the Hanukiyah we thank God for the miracles of the past. That we are even here to tell the story of Hanukkah is nothing less than a miracle, but we also light the candles to shed the light of truth into a world that can grow dark when lies become truth. In ancient times Antiochus sought to destroy Judaism by denying Jews the freedom to practice their religion. Today our enemies try to physically destroy us- to make Israelis live in constant fear. They also seek to destroy our souls by telling the world that our sacred history is a lie. Only those who already hate will believe such lies, but those who know the truth, those who have a stake in the Jewish past and the Jewish future are today’s Maccabees. Israeli’s are forced to fight for their lives but all of us must fight for truth.

Watch For New Segment on Jewish Life Television

After thirty plus years in the rabbinate as a student and teacher of Judaism there are two important things that I have learned. The first thing is that I don’t know everything. The second is to ask for answers. That may not sound too complicated- after all no one knows everything! It is the second point that is a little trickier: sometimes we hesitate to ask questions. The truth is “asking questions” is a very Jewish hobby. The first Jew, Abraham, was always asking questions; in fact he wasn’t even embarrassed to ask God questions! Yes, the history of Judaism is the record of a four thousand year of give and take- questions and answers. Sometimes our questions have been hard to ask. Sometimes we haven’t liked the answers! Four thousand years later we are, like Abraham, asking questions that have no answer at all!
The rabbinic theory of learning depended on the dynamic of real dialogue- sharing questions and answers through which both participants would grow. I would like to invite you to be a part of that age-old dialogue and join me on line and on the air for “Ask the Rabbi.”
“Ask the Rabbi” will be a new addition to JLTV.TV for 2016. Come on line and go to the website to ask me anything about Jewish tradition, culture, or history. You can send your question to “” I will answer your question in an email and use your question on a new broadcast feature on JLTV. I will respond to questions on the air throughout the broadcast day on the air. It is a great way to get your questions answered and to share your question with the entire JLTV audience.
As the host of “To Life L’Chaim” (seen on JLTV on Tuesdays at 10:30pm) I am constantly reminded of the many ways by which Jewish life, culture, and religion have touched and inspired so many people, Jewish and non-Jewish. I believe that the more we know the more we will be inspired. That’s why I encourage you to be a partner with me in making Jewish Life Television the central address for entertainment and learning. As a viewer you are the most important part of the equation- that is why you choose to watch “America’s chosen network.” I hope you will also choose to make it the place in which we share our questions and our answers.

Again, contact me at “” Ask me a question that has been on your mind and allow me to share the answer with the world-wide audience at Jewish Life Television.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Prime Ministers: Soldiers and Peacemakers
Stories From the Past that Put the Present In Perspective
Rabbi Yaakov Thompson

The Prime Ministers is a new documentary from Moriah Films that opens in South Florida November 6th. Based on the book by the late Yehuda Avner, the movie covers much of the unknown history of the Rabin and Begin years. Personal insights come from Avner’s career with both Prime Ministers and include his account of Rabin’s second term before his murder. The mid-70’s were fateful years for Israel, the first blooming of peace with Egypt, Entebbe, and Camp David. They were also the years that, at times strained the relationship between Israel and the American government. Carter wanted the return to the Green Line. Reagan wanted Israel out of Lebanon. They were also years of promise- I was living in Jerusalem when Sadat made his historic visit- it was an amazing event that many felt was the first step in the long road to real peace. Now, almost 40 years later, we look back and see that expectations were too high but there are still lessons to be learned.

As you view the film containing much footage seen for the first time you are drawn from the past to the present. One can’t help but compare “then” to “now.” That is why I think this film is more important at this moment than even its producers could have imagined. The current Israeli government is still faced with the same basic issue as those years in the 70’s: the challenge of trying to talk peace when Israel is under siege daily, the public and private dialogue with an American government that has its own agenda, and the struggle to protect the citizens of Israel.

Today’s situation is much more dire- the Iran issue, ISISs’ daily advance closer to Israel, and the new media war against Israel make the problems of the 70’s almost tame. The real power of The Prime Ministers is its power to evoke the courage of the past. As its subtitle suggests, the Prime Minister of Israel must be both a soldier and a peacemaker. It should renew our support for Israel’s government that must cope every day with attacks but, nonetheless, never give up on the possibility for peace. In retrospect that was the theme of the Rabin and Begin years and now that retrospective can help us put the present in perspective.
The Prime Ministers is a powerful dose of history- it is the strongest medicine- it helps us understand how the present was shaped and inspires us to shape the future.

The Prime Ministers: Soldiers and Peacemakers opens November 6th at O Cinema in Miami Shores, AMC in Aventura and Sunset Place, and at Movies of Del Ray and Lake Worth.

From the Internet Somewhere! Don't know the source but the piece speaks for itself!!!!  Maybe some day the world will open its eyes!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Elisabeth Duda joins me on To Life L'Chaim Tuesday, November 3rd, 10:30pm.

Elisabeth is a Polish born actress who now lives in Paris. She plays the female lead in a must-see new film called Run Boy, Run. It is the true story of how a young Jewish boy evaded the Nazis. It is a powerful story with powerful performances. I was lucky enough to spend some time with Elisabeth while she toured South Florida openings. Join me on the 3rd at 10:30pm for the interview and make sure to see the movie.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Interview With Rabbi Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel

The link will take you to my interview with Rabbi Lau, former Chief Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Lau talks about his life as a survivor of the Shoah.

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Shared Insights" Now In Print

My book, Shared Insights, is now in print and in stock at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and worldwide at MoreBooks. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. I have offered my manuscript in support of Hadassa Word Press and their work to support Jewish authors. If you have a manuscript ready feel free to contact me for help. Now, maybe more than ever, the world needs to hear the Jewish voice.

JLTV Special with Alan Dershowitz

When Can I Watch the Interview With Alan Dershowitz? - The Update

Between takes there is always time for a joke. Ooops- I think it might have been a lawyer joke!

Please join me for the one-hour special with Alan Dershowitz on Jewish Life Television. The show will air on the following days- all times are east coast, west coast viewers, subtract three hours.

March 31st- 10pm
April 1st - 1am
April 3rd- 3pm
April 4th- 2pm
April 7th- 5pm
April 8th- 3pm
April 9th- 4pm

Ok, lots of chances- no excuses! Join Professor Dershowitz and me on Jewish Life Television. (In South Florida, Comcast 239, DirecTV 366, Atlantic 167.) All other areas of the country find your local station listing at

Linor Abargil was Miss Israel and Miss World in 1998. A rape victim, Linor has become an advocate for rape victims. She travels the world speaking to groups and bringing her experience to individuals that are in need of healing. Click on the video to see my interview with her. See the documentary that recalls her struggle and her victories. "Brave Miss World" is a film that everyone must see.

This interviewed aired on To Life, L'Chaim which airs Tuesday nights at 10pm on Jewish Life Television.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

One Hour Special with Professor Alan Dershowitz

Join me on April 31st on Jewish Life TV at 10pm for To Life L'Chaim. (Comcast 239, DirecTV 366, Atlantic Broadband 166. For a national list of stations see the JLTV.TV website.)

On the 31st To Life L'Chaim will air a one hour special edition. Today I was fortunate enough to do an extended interview with Professor Alan Dershowitz. We will air that interview for the first time on the 31st in an extended episode of To Life L'Chaim, 10-11pm. We discussed the recent elections in Israel and his reflections on American policy. Professor Dershowitz has been a life-long advocate for Israel as well as one of America's leading legal authorities. His comments are worthy of our attention and I hope you will share his insights with me. See you on the 31st and every Tuesday evening and, in the meantime, To Life L'Chaim.

Following the 10pm (edt) showing we will air the special during daytime programming on select dates. Those dates will be posted here when the times are confirmed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jewish Authors Find Welcome at new German Press

Esther von Krosigk
Founder, Hadassa Word Press

Jewish authors around the world are being invited to share their writing via a new imprint located in Saarbrucken, Germany. Hadassa Wordpress is the brain child of German author and publisher Esther von Krosigk. Von Krosigk has authored several novels and non-fiction works. She has also been involved in the reissue of many classic 19th century titles long out of print. I recently had the opportunity to interview Ms. von Krosigk and learn more about the new imprint.
Considering the impact that digital content now has on every aspect of communication and learning, I asked von Krosigk about the reasons that she focuses her company on traditional printed content. "Books and written testimonies of human life are still the main medium to understand the world. At the moment digital content is still only a complement to books. Words, the verbal description of our being, are still the method by which we discover the world and ourselves. In the future we will have many new ways to share our words but, for now, I still love books."

"Looking back at my whole life I can say that I was born to make books- to write them, publish them, and to create new imprints for our publishing house." Von Krosigk added, "Hadassa Word Press is addressed to Jewish authors in order to give them a platform to share their love of Judaism" 
I asked von Krosigk how this new venture into Jewish publishing fit into the multi-faceted publishing house that she oversees. "Hadassa Word Press fits very well with another publishing project I founded a couple of years ago- Fromm Verlag- for which we invite Christian authors to publish with us. The response was overwhelming so we began to include books in several languages." I am happy to take that idea and apply it to the works of Jewish authors.

I still had the burning question to ask: Esther von Krosigk is not Jewish- why is she working so intensely to publish the works of Jewish authors? "I inherited the name Esther from my great-Grandmother who was Jewish. I never had any knowledge or real interest in learning about Jewish history or religion but all that changed when I visited Israel last year. I instantly fell in love with the country and decided to found a publishing house for Jewish authors." I then saw that beyond these personal reasons von Krosigk also sensed the need for action; "In central Europe we are seeing a neo-Anti-Semitism. Demonstrations in the streets and attacks on Jewish people made me aware of the new aggression. In this period of religious violence and controversy in so many parts of the world. I hope that our books can contribute to better understanding."
I asked her about her long term goals for Hadassa Word Press: "My intention is to give the Jewish community a voice through our books by sharing knowledge and understanding. Words are so strong- sometimes stronger than weapons."

After speaking with von Krosigk I too have high hopes for the new press. If you would like to learn more visit "" to learn all the details about the press.